If you test positive for COVD-19, follow this guidance:
Please notify the nursing team and visit the 美国疾病控制与预防中心的网站 to help determine when you may return to school. 第0天是症状出现的第一天,第1天是症状开始后的第一个完整的一天(无论阳性测试的日期). 如果你没有任何症状,你可以在测试呈阳性的五天后结束隔离.
After five days, you may return to school if the following criteria are met:
- 24小时不发烧,不使用退烧药物(如适用).
- 24-hour cessation of any vomiting and/or diarrhea (if applicable).
- Improvement of symptoms, but not complete resolution.
- Having the energy to participate in a full day of activity.
Upon returning to school, please wear a high quality mask for ten days. 另外, 你可以按照疾控中心的指导方针进行检测,间隔48小时进行两次连续的阴性检测. You can take one on day six and one on day eight. If both are negative, you can remove your mask on day eight.
If you are a close contact to someone who tested positive for COVID
If you consider yourself a close contact to someone who tested positive for COVID, please visit the CDC’s website and click “Isolation & Exposure来帮助你决定下一步.
与…一致 来自疾病控制中心的最新指导,请做以下工作:
- If you are having symptoms consistent with COVID, isolate and test.
- 如果你没有任何症状,在你最后一次接触这个人的第六天进行测试.
- 如果你愿意,在最后一次与病人接触后10天内戴上合适的口罩.
请注意,护士不会在学校做COVID检测,也不会定期提供检测或口罩. Families are encouraged to stock a supply of rapid COVID tests and masks at home.