Alumni Make Lab Stronger
Lab is a remarkable community. And your involvement makes us better. As alumni of Lab, you are part of the Schools’ rich history. Our goal is to keep all of you connected to the institution throughout your lives.
You may not know that, if you attended Lab for any length of time, you are already a member of the Lab Alumni Association, the mission of which is to further the welfare of the institution by:
- Increasing the interest of alumni in the Schools
- Garnering volunteer and financial support from alumni
- Providing advice and counsel to the Schools regarding its relationship with its alumni
The Alumni Association primarily through the Alumni Association Executive Board and its committees helps connect Labbies to each other and to the Schools in a number of ways, and works closely with Lab’s Office of Alumni Relations and Development to present meaningful programs and social opportunities for all alumni.
Take advantage of UChicago resources. Because Lab is a part of the University of Chicago, you are not only a member of the Lab alumni community, but you are also a part of the University of Chicago alumni community and eligible for all of their benefits and events. Go to the University of Chicago Alumni and Friends page to learn more.